My new fun Camera, Canon 20D

Well, thanks for taking the time to read my Blog, it is greatly appreciated and I always try to share my thoughts and ideas straight from the heart. I went onto eBay so I could record a video about buying used camera gear when I came across a very clean Canon 20D and I just could not stop myself from buying it, What did it cost, I know your thinking. Try $25 and an $8 delivery fee, which brought my total cost to $33 for a camera which cost $1,500 at the time of its original release in 2004. Wait a 20-year-old camera? Yes, and it only has 8 megapixels and can shoot a blazing 3 frames a second. My question was, but is it still good now in 2024? Well, let’s see.

Just a quick spoiler alert, I have owned this camera in the past and it is a great camera not just for someone cutting their teeth in the photography world as a total newbie but as a really good producer of great imagery. I can really see someone using this to make money doing all sorts of photography projects with this specific camera and you won’t be missing out on anything even if you decide that this whole photo thing is not for you. I definitely would spend the $40 here to get my feet wet rather than take a cold shower with no soap or shampoo, what’s the point right? Canon R6 ll at $2,500, no way especially if you don’t know how to use it, what’s the point right? I just said that but it happens way more than you think.. Just one stop at your local pawnshop will prove me right most of the time.

Back to this little gem of a camera, the Canon 20D, it has everything you need and nothing that you think you need. There are so many reasons to love this camera and one of the biggest for me right off the bat is the nice 8.2-megapixel sensor in this APS-C camera, The files fly off the CF card in a New York second and they can be easily handled by my Surface 3 laptop which is also the same computer I use for writing this blog. The lenses in the EF mount will all work perfectly on this camera and you even have a large number of 3rd party lenses too. These lenses can also be had for very reasonable prices compared to current mirrorless offerings. Also of note is the fact that Canon has been the number one selling camera for the past three decades so there are plenty of used EF lenses to be had.

Build quality is yet another great thing that sets this camera apart from most cameras today as this one has a full metal interior which means this camera is built to last through even the most demanding situations. It is not even the top of the line, but it shows just how much effort was being put into this camera to make it dependable. I was trying to get a shutter count for this camera but unfortunately, this old camera makes it impossible to get. From looking at my 20D camera I can see that it had a very easy life and I can safely assume that its shutter count is on the lower end. Having been shooting Canon cameras for nearly 20 years I can say that I have never had to replace a shutter on any of the cameras I have ever owned. I don’t think it should ever be something to worry about if you ask me.

In closing, I would highly recommend this camera and any mid-range cameras in this line from Canon. They are all great performers for the price and they will not prevent you from progressing in any way. Don’t make the mistake of thinking newer is better because you will find out sooner than later it is the person behind the camera that makes the image. I have started a new website www.20dphotography to showcase what you can still do with a Canon 20D in 2024 and also show, that you can still make money with a low entry point. Thank you for reading this far, I really do appreciate your time and hope you gain some inspiration from my blog to go out and have fun with photography. Have a great day, till next time.


The end of photography as I knew it.