Alfonso Chavez Alfonso Chavez

When is the best time of day for a photo session?

You just decided you need some fresh new headshots or a photo session for your graduating senior. You just came from picking up some new threads from your local clothing retailer and you have all kinds of ideas for your big photoshoot. You have already decided who will be taking your photos and you are about to give them a call to get everything all set up and ready to go. After just a few minutes you have settled on a date and price but your not sure what time would be best. Well here are a few reasons I hope you will take into consideration before you decide.

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Alfonso Chavez Alfonso Chavez

Tips for hiring a photogrpher in 2020

I hear you are in the market for a great photographer. With a quick online search, you find that your options are almost unlimited. It is enough to send your head spinning with all your available options. Well with the right questions you can slim down that never-ending list of photographers in your area. Although you may not be that savvy when it comes to the in’s and out’s of photography, pretending that you are can go a long way. Now don’t run out and take a course solely for this purpose, as more than likely you may never need to hire a professional ever again. So, how do you fake it? Well here are some questions you can ask that will let the photographer know you mean business.

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